Our Approach
Safe Passage is at the center of an inter-agency collaborative effort that minimizes the trauma to victims of child abuse by centralizing services in one, child-friendly location. We act as team leader, coordinating the responses of our team partners in the medical, investigative, social service, legal, and mental health arenas. This holistic approach keeps investigations child-focused and ensures that children and caregivers receive the broadest range of support in the least intrusive manner possible.
Annually, Safe Passage serves more than 1000 children and non-offending caregivers in the midst of abuse investigations. Safe Passage serves El Paso and Teller Counties as well as referrals from additional counties throughout Colorado. The services outlined below are always provided free of charge.
How We Can Help
Forensic Interviews
The “forensic interview” is a child friendly, non-leading, developmentally appropriate way to gather information from children and teenagers, in a warm and welcoming environment. The forensic interview assists the Department of Human Services and Law Enforcement agencies in their investigations, while keeping the best interest of the child at the forefront. Interviews are digitally recorded for use by involved partner agencies to minimize children’s trauma by avoiding the need for multiple interviews of victims. The forensic interviewers are highly trained professionals with advanced understanding of child development, memory, suggestibility, linguistics and trauma.
Forensic Medical Exams
When needed, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) provide on-site forensic medical exams. These exams, and the evidence they often reveal, can be key in the investigation and prosecution of abuse. Providing exams in the comforting environment at Safe Passage helps reduce stress and trauma for children and their caregivers.
Victim Advocacy
Family Support Advocates provide immediate crisis intervention and referrals to community resources as needed. These services are ongoing and available to victims and caregivers even after the investigatory/judicial processes are complete.
Educational Support Groups
Our Partner, The Family Center, also offers the following psycho-educational support groups for victims and their non-offending caregivers at Safe Passage:
- 7-Week Teen Group (for victims aged 13 to 18)
- 7-Week Non-Offending Parents/Caregivers Support Groups
Contact Us
The first step is often the hardest. Safe Passage is here to help.
Safe Passage Children’s Advocacy Center:
2335 Robinson Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
(PH) 719-636-2460
Safe Passage
2335 Robinson Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
(719) 636-2460
Contact Us
Copyright ©2019 Safe Passage. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright ©2019 Safe Passage. All Rights Reserved.